My Wife is a White Russian – Rose Tremain

In the short story “My Wife is a White Russian” the plot is not very important. It is mainly about a couple. The wife seems to be much younger than the husband and it becomes clear throughout the story that she has only married him because of his money and his social status. Now her husband is ill and needs nursing. The story is told by the man. He tells how he has met his wife. The goal in life for his wife seems to be to become part of the high society. She loves the ballet and the opera. He partly speaks very derogatory about her and as it is written from his perspective we do not learn much about their real relationship.

After reading the story I must admit that I disliked the Russian woman but when we were discussing the text in class I noticed that every text is about perspective. How you are reading a story is always dependent on who has written it. It would be interesting to read the same story from her point of view. In the novel “The Collector” by John Fowles the author changes perspectives of the characters. Exactly the same story is told from two different perspectives.


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